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Regular and thorough examinations in the dental practice are particularly important for the early detection of oral diseases such as tooth decay or periodontitis.
It is recommended to have such an examination carried out twice a year, because the earlier the dentist recognizes that something is wrong, the faster it can be “counteracted” and the damage can be kept as small as possible.

A simple check-up appointment means neither a high expenditure of time nor money for the patient. During the examination, we first take a close look at the teeth from all sides and from all angles. The mouth mirror helps here, in order to be able to examine areas that you would otherwise not see. Furthermore, filling margins are visually checked, crown margins are scanned with the dental probe to see whether there are any leaks and a look is also taken of the gums, tongue and throat.
This view of the oral mucosa is also an important precaution against cancer in the mouth or tongue area, because the typical carcinoma in the oral cavity or on the tongue is often only noticed very late by the patient and especially with this disease, every day can ultimately be important.

Furthermore, the color, shape and course of the gums are checked. A short periodontal screening is part of the dental check-up, which means that measurements are made at various points to determine whether there are recessed gum pockets between the tooth and gums or whether the gums are inflamed somewhere.
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